This sequence diagram illustrates a streamlined business onboarding process through Worth AI’s APIs, focusing on submitting all data at once for handling by the system.

process breakdown

1. Onboarding API calls

  • Authentication:
    Upon accepting initial invitaion or signing in, the customer receives the following tokens:

    • access token: used for purposes like logout, update password etc.
    • id token: used for secure api communication. (recommended for all api calls.)
    • refresh token: to renew Access and ID token.

    note: always use the id token for secure api communication. see this page for more info.

  • Submit business data:
    The customer provides business information in the following structure:

      "name": "string",
      "tin": "string",
      "external_id": "uuid",
      "address_line_1": "string",
      "address_postal_code": "string",
      "address_city": "string",
      "address_state": "string",
      "address_country": "string",
      "official_website": "string (optional)",
      "owners": "array (optional)"

    This triggers the system to perform multiple onboarding tasks. See Add Business documentation for further information.

2. Worth AI System Actions

Upon receiving the business data, the system performs the following tasks:

  • Business Search:
    Identifies and verifies the business in the system.

  • Business Verification:
    Validates business details such as legal standing and ownership information.

  • Fetching Public Records:
    Retrieves relevant public records associated with the business.

  • Fetching Website Metadata:
    Gathers metadata from the business’s official website if provided.

  • Owners’ Identity Verification:
    Verifies the identity of the business owners based on the provided data.

  • Business Scoring:
    Calculates the business score, evaluating creditworthiness and other key metrics.

3. Retrieve Data

The following endpoints allow you to fetch data for a specific business:

4. Update Business Data

Continue to provide business details as data becomes available for you

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